



Inner Healing & Life Coaching -- Motivational Biblical Preaching


Christmas Offer

A gift to you and your loved ones

The reason we celebrate Christmas is because our Heavenly Father gave the biggest and most precious gift He could have ever give, His Son Jesus. This is the higher expression of Love for humanity, for you and for me!

How much we must thank our Father for loving us so much that He send His only Son to save us. (John 3:16) 

How much we must thank Jesus for coming on earth to set us free, to heal us and restore our lives. (Isaiah 61)

That's why this time of the year we give gifts to one other, to give Hope by sharing Love and Joy as our Lord did for us

Our Christmas Gift
to you and your loved ones

We all need to receive a light to the dark places in our life through encouragement or prophetic word . We all need someone to stand by our side to help us find Hopehealing, freedom, peace, restoration, self understanding, and joy. 

Choose one of our packages bellow and give this gift to yourself.
You deserve it!  

Give one of our packages bellow to your loved ones
They will never forget it!

For Women
By Peggy Spyrou Simonis

5 Sessions of Christian Life Coaching
5 Sessions of Stress Management
5 Sessions of Coaching for Church Leaders

for the price of 1500 krper package
Normal price 2500 kr

Check all services here

(The "Inner Healing and Deliverance" "Marriage Coaching
and the "Hearing God's Voice Course
are not included in the offer)

For Men
By Argie Simonis

5 Sessions of Men’s Mentoring
5 Sessions of Coaching for Church Leaders

for the price of 1500 krper package
Normal price 2500 kr

Check all services here

(Services of other packages are not included in the offer)

Contact with us for more details : innerhealingandlifecoaching@gmail.com

If you want to give this offer to a friend you will receive to your email a beautiful card to print. 

The offer will stand until the 10th of January 2017.
Check all services here
(The "Marriage Coaching" and the "Hearing God's Voice Course" are not included in the offer)

Looking forward to hearing from you!

God Bless you and Merry Christmas!

Peggy & Argie Simonis 


Don't lose your courage!

By Peggy Spyrou Simonis

Don't lose your courage!

Sometimes things come exactly the oposite way than we were thinking.... or things seem lke nothing is moving.
Maybe this is a time that you are passing a TEST...?!
Will you continue to wait for God? Will you continue to be depented on Him? Will you trust Him?

Rom 10:11 Τhe scripture said, Whoever believes on him shall not be ashamed.

Continue to ASK His help and His direction! Continue to SEEK His face and His ways! Continue to KNOCK the doors of Wisdom in Heaven!

~~~~~ The VICTORY is not cheap but it's YOURS! ~~~~~~

Don't lose your courage! Keep fighting!

1Tim 6:12 Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

Don't loose any other moment in selfpitty, passivenness, and sorrow!

Rom 10:11 The Scripture says, No man who believes in Him [who adheres to, relies on, and trusts in Him] will [ever] be put to shame or be disappointed.

Even when things seems to be impossible, always remember:

Matt 19:26 All things are possible with God!

Are you longing to break free from stress, fear and inssecurity and have a healthier way of thinking? To come closer to God and walk in His supernatural power?

Then check the:


Overcoming The Spirit Of Rejection

By Peggy Spyrou Simonis 

Rejection is one of the most painful experiences in life. 
In this article you will find 3 keys to overcome the spirit of rejection. 
If you are detairmed to be free, take the steps today, 
and let God heal you and restore your identity!  

The principality of Rejection is an evil spirit that rules over a multitude of other evil spirits that operate as the amour of Rejection with the specific assignment of Rejection. They want to reject others. They want to feel rejected. They will do whatever they can to be rejected. Rejection robs people of relationships. Rejection will make people feel that others don't love them.
Rejection means to cast from one; to throw away; to refuse; to put aside. As a noun, the word rejection means a person or thing rejected as not up to some standard. So rejection means to back-throw, to remove from your presence, to throw off. It is a form of unbelief. It says that you are not accepted of God and in order to be accepted of God you have to be accepted of men first. It sets man as your god by declaring that who you are and who you are not rests on a human who accepts you or does not accept you.
Rejection communicates that a person is unacceptable, of no value, doesn't belong, unwanted, can't fit in and unloved. Rejection communicates this message through a disgusted look, disdain, an impatient answer, a snub, through neglect, through abandoning someone, through silence.

Check the Inner Healing and Deliverance 
A Ministry that will change your life!

We've all experienced Rejection. It can be real or imagined. Either way, we know the feeling when we've been Rejected. Feeling Rejected is one of the most devastating of all human emotions because God created us to love and be loved. We're born with an innate longing for love and acceptance. The word of God tells us that we are loved, adopted and accepted, but Rejection has an assignment to steal those truths away from us. There are two ingredients for Rejection: it really did happen; the person imagined it. About 60-70 percent of all Rejection is imagined and the person really was not rejected, but because they have a spirit of Rejection, they take every little look, every little word, every little sound, etc. and twist and turn it to make themselves feel rejected.

You need to start accepting yourself as God has accepted you from the foundation of the world. Let God be true and every man a liar. When you listen to Rejection, you are making a lying man true and God a liar. When you feel rejected, you are in disagreement with God.

Romans 8:15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.

The spirit of Rejection causes people to create defense mechanisms so they can protect themselves. The most important defense mechanism of Rejection is to withdraw like a turtle in the shell for protection. There is a fear of being vulnerable. We don't allow ourselves to trust anyone because we don't want to be hurt again. Jesus was rejected and despised of men but He made himself vulnerable and He is our standard. 
The reason for withdrawal is Fear; Fear of man, Fear of woman, Fear of God. Some people are more afraid of man than they are of God. We avoid close relationships. 
Another mechanism coming out of withdrawal is Fear of failure. God made provision for His bride to fall but He will come along and lift her up. You are going to fail Him, you are going to fail someone else, you may even fail yourself. Fear of failure will not let you go forward in relationship. Fear of Failure will not allow you to take a risk. Security is an illusion. There is nothing in life but opportunity. Security is fear. Fear of rejection is another defense mechanism that causes withdrawal. You lose the battle in your mind before anything happens. 
Fear of abandonment comes with Rejection but is easily defeated when you read Isaiah 54. It says the Lord Himself has accepted you. No matter what your problem is. Isaiah 53 and 54 are the foundation for freedom from Rejection because if God be for you, who can be against you?

The second defense mechanism of Rejection is exploding with anger, hatred, and bitterness, fighting against real or supposed injustice or pain. Remember, a lot of Rejection is made up in the mind and the person was not rejected, but they explode with anger and bitterness and now Rejection is hiding behind Bitterness.

A third defense mechanism of Rejection is looking for a meaningful identity outside of a complete and true relationship with the living Godhead: the Father, the Word, who is Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. When you read Isaiah 54, if you are complete in the love of God the Father, if you are complete in the love of the Lord Jesus, if you are in fellowship with the Holy Ghost, you have your identity because Isaiah 54 says you are the bride of Christ. Rejection will not allow you to have an identity. Sometimes the identity crisis or trying to establish a meaningful identity is that you want to pattern yourself after someone else. Some people use others as their source or find someone weaker to be with or develop a fabricated personality. You stand alone before God and your identity needs to be complete in Him. You do not need anyone else in order to have an identity. He is your identity.

Galatians 4:7 Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.

When we feel rejected, we are agreeing with Satan's kingdom. 
An unloving spirit is right there and says there's a good reason that we are rejected. We must be evil and unclean and no good. We find justification for our rejection. We fear we are going to fail. We fear what others may think. We fear they won't love us. Going under rejection brings bitterness, jealousy, envy, fear, unloving spirits and ultimately disease.

Love and acceptance is the antidote to Rejection. 
The reversal of Rejection is accepting God's love and acceptance without exception. According to the word of God, you are designed and created on purpose for His pleasure because He foreknew you before the very foundation of the world.
Know who you are in Christ. Knowing who you are in Christ is of prime importance. This is the antidote to an identity crisis. The Father has accepted you, but have you accepted yourself? Rejection will not allow you to accept yourself. Self -Rejection, Self-Hatred, Guilt, Unloving spirits, images, impressions and emotions will tell you that you are not the fairest of them all. 
Jesus dealt with that in Isaiah 53. It said very clearly that He was not a man that you would desire Him after the flesh. He was not comely, and there was nothing in His physical appearance that would appeal to you.

Isaiah 53:2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.

You have get rid of Self-Rejection. If God be for you, who can be against you? You have no right to reject yourself if God has accepted you. He has accepted you through Jesus Christ.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

The Lord had to deal with Rejection. He showed it was possible to defeat it and not make it part of His life. In His strength, as a work of the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Father and the Holy Spirit will be there to meet you and remove Rejection from your life so that you can be free from it and have your peace.

The prerequisites for freedom from Rejection are:

1) Making peace with God once and for all.
2) Making peace with yourself once and for all.
3) Making peace with your brother once and for all (even if it is 70 times 7 in your relationship of forgiveness).

With Furious Love!

A Ministry that will change your life!

Difficulties and problems in life can make a person paralyse, living in a constant torment of fear and pain. 
This prevents all the joy and peace that everyone should enjoy, and adds an endless stress which can destroy every hope, dream, and blessings in a person's life. 

The Inner Healing and Deliverance is important for the body of Christ. Through prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit we.... read more  

Source: http://www.divineinterventionnow.org/writings/view/40-Overcoming-The-Spirit-Of-Rejection 


Spiritual attack to the marriage

By Peggy Spyrou Simonis 

Does your marriage makes you feel trapped, poisoned and beeing sabotaged?
You pray, fast and pray more but you don't see any answer? 
You think that God does not listen to you any more?

Marriage is the strongest relationship in life, that's why any kind of dysfanction can leave a deep wound that only Jesus Christ can heal. 

Some spouses are difficult to communicate. Their behavior shows that they cannot and are not willing to cooparate for restoration and this makes life so hard. 

Maybe in the begining of the relationship they made you feel like a queen (or a king) but as long as time passes things get harder and harder. 
They can hurt you and leave you alone with no regrets. They can push you away and make you feel unloved, unwanted and with no value. You feel that they are your obvious or secret enemies who uproot the joy and the peace of God from your heart.

Probably you have in your mind this big WHY or HOW. 

WHY things went there and HOW is it possible to not be able to find the way back? HOW can i find my self? WHY this is happening to me?

All this situation leaves you angry and confused and possibly leads you to a dead end and make you depressed because you don't understand what is happening and how you can change it.

Check the Marriage Coaching : 

A ministry that will change you and your family!

Continue reading and you might have your answer! 

These difficult kind of people have a common characteristic: 
They are hurt and that's why they cause hurt to anyone who wants to be around them. 
If the hurt will not be delt with forgiveness and prayer for restoration from the Lord, it can be a big entrance for spiritual attacks to themselves and their families: 


Unloving feelings
Negative thoughts
Sex problems
Early Death

The list is long and you can add even more.

Evol spirits will do their best to destroy the most sacred union on earth, which is the marriage.

When you don't know with what you are dealing with, and when you have prayed and fasted over and over and still there is no answer, then you are dealing with demonic forces who are trying to destroy your marriage, your destiny and every plan God has for your life.

You have to act and not be pasive. Cast every spirit out of your life and your marriage

Check the Marriage Coaching : 

A ministry that will change you and your family!

The evol spirits try to influence your will with lies so they will move you or your spouse to the tottaly oposite direction from Jesus will and His protection. The truth is that they cannot do anything else apart from what you are allowing them to do. They are defetead! 

Col 2:15 Disarming the rulers and authorities (all evol spirits), Jesus has made a public disgrace of them, triumphing over them by the cross.

 Be sure about one thing: It's not in the will of God for you to suffer! 

Jesus Christ came for 3 very specific reasons: 

1John 3:8 For this purpose the Son of God was revealed: to destroy the works of the devil.

John 12:46 If anyone hears my words and does not obey them, i do not judge him. For is have not come to judge the world, but to save the world.

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come so that they may have life, and may have it abundantly.

Take heart and have faith. Jesus is there for you:

  • To destroy the works of the devil in your life, 
  • Not to judge you, but to save you
  • And to give you a life in abudance

Pray with authority, and command every attack of the devil to stop. 
Use this prayer as an examble. Feel free to add your own words. 

"Lord Jesus Christ, you are the God of the Gods and the King of all Kings. You have called me from the darkness to Your Light! Please help me to do the right thing. Help me to have victory in my life and in this way to give Glory to Your name. I know it's not in your will for me and my spouse to suffer. 
Forgive us for our strife. Forgive me for my bad attitude. I don't want to hate my spouse, i don't want to be upset, i don't want to have unforgiveness and bitterness i don't want to sin towards You. Help us to find PEACE. Help us to overcome our problems. You are the sourse of our life. 
Help me to not feel rejected, controled, alone, helpless (add any negative feelings you have). Help me to have faith in You and set me free from all my fears. You are our Savior our God and our King. If You are with us nobody can be againbst us.
According to Your Word i take authority over my self and my marriage and i cast out the strife. I renounce the hate, the discomunication that tries to bring confusion, chaos and divorse. I renounce the pride, the lust and everything with it, musturbation, pornography and every temptation. I renounce the spirit of dumb that doesn't let me or my spouse to talk, i renounce the spirit of chatter that makes me or my spouse to say words of hate, I renounce every lie in my mind and i let your truth shine in me:
 You are my way, my truth, and my life! 
I speak PEACE! I declaire FREEDOM! And i release HEALING in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ  right NOW . 
In You Lord i have everything i need! You will guide us, You will protect us, You will provide for our needs and you will RESTORE everything the devil has stolen from us. 
I prayed all these in the Mighty name of all names Jesus Christ!"

Amen 💣💥

God bless you!

Check the Marriage Coaching 
A ministry that will change you and your family!

✿- Is your desire to restore your marriage? Are you tired of a life with strife, fights and discouragement? Are you tired of feeling thirtsy for for a beter life?
Marriage Coaching can help you recognise the roots of the problem and work for the restoration of your relationship with your self and your spouse. You will receive spiritual tools for a future filled with joy and victory through the revelation of your true identity for a Godly marriage...
Through the Marriage Coaching you will find healing, peace and... read more