



Inner Healing & Life Coaching -- Motivational Biblical Preaching


Overcoming The Spirit Of Rejection

By Peggy Spyrou Simonis 

Rejection is one of the most painful experiences in life. 
In this article you will find 3 keys to overcome the spirit of rejection. 
If you are detairmed to be free, take the steps today, 
and let God heal you and restore your identity!  

The principality of Rejection is an evil spirit that rules over a multitude of other evil spirits that operate as the amour of Rejection with the specific assignment of Rejection. They want to reject others. They want to feel rejected. They will do whatever they can to be rejected. Rejection robs people of relationships. Rejection will make people feel that others don't love them.
Rejection means to cast from one; to throw away; to refuse; to put aside. As a noun, the word rejection means a person or thing rejected as not up to some standard. So rejection means to back-throw, to remove from your presence, to throw off. It is a form of unbelief. It says that you are not accepted of God and in order to be accepted of God you have to be accepted of men first. It sets man as your god by declaring that who you are and who you are not rests on a human who accepts you or does not accept you.
Rejection communicates that a person is unacceptable, of no value, doesn't belong, unwanted, can't fit in and unloved. Rejection communicates this message through a disgusted look, disdain, an impatient answer, a snub, through neglect, through abandoning someone, through silence.

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We've all experienced Rejection. It can be real or imagined. Either way, we know the feeling when we've been Rejected. Feeling Rejected is one of the most devastating of all human emotions because God created us to love and be loved. We're born with an innate longing for love and acceptance. The word of God tells us that we are loved, adopted and accepted, but Rejection has an assignment to steal those truths away from us. There are two ingredients for Rejection: it really did happen; the person imagined it. About 60-70 percent of all Rejection is imagined and the person really was not rejected, but because they have a spirit of Rejection, they take every little look, every little word, every little sound, etc. and twist and turn it to make themselves feel rejected.

You need to start accepting yourself as God has accepted you from the foundation of the world. Let God be true and every man a liar. When you listen to Rejection, you are making a lying man true and God a liar. When you feel rejected, you are in disagreement with God.

Romans 8:15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.

The spirit of Rejection causes people to create defense mechanisms so they can protect themselves. The most important defense mechanism of Rejection is to withdraw like a turtle in the shell for protection. There is a fear of being vulnerable. We don't allow ourselves to trust anyone because we don't want to be hurt again. Jesus was rejected and despised of men but He made himself vulnerable and He is our standard. 
The reason for withdrawal is Fear; Fear of man, Fear of woman, Fear of God. Some people are more afraid of man than they are of God. We avoid close relationships. 
Another mechanism coming out of withdrawal is Fear of failure. God made provision for His bride to fall but He will come along and lift her up. You are going to fail Him, you are going to fail someone else, you may even fail yourself. Fear of failure will not let you go forward in relationship. Fear of Failure will not allow you to take a risk. Security is an illusion. There is nothing in life but opportunity. Security is fear. Fear of rejection is another defense mechanism that causes withdrawal. You lose the battle in your mind before anything happens. 
Fear of abandonment comes with Rejection but is easily defeated when you read Isaiah 54. It says the Lord Himself has accepted you. No matter what your problem is. Isaiah 53 and 54 are the foundation for freedom from Rejection because if God be for you, who can be against you?

The second defense mechanism of Rejection is exploding with anger, hatred, and bitterness, fighting against real or supposed injustice or pain. Remember, a lot of Rejection is made up in the mind and the person was not rejected, but they explode with anger and bitterness and now Rejection is hiding behind Bitterness.

A third defense mechanism of Rejection is looking for a meaningful identity outside of a complete and true relationship with the living Godhead: the Father, the Word, who is Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. When you read Isaiah 54, if you are complete in the love of God the Father, if you are complete in the love of the Lord Jesus, if you are in fellowship with the Holy Ghost, you have your identity because Isaiah 54 says you are the bride of Christ. Rejection will not allow you to have an identity. Sometimes the identity crisis or trying to establish a meaningful identity is that you want to pattern yourself after someone else. Some people use others as their source or find someone weaker to be with or develop a fabricated personality. You stand alone before God and your identity needs to be complete in Him. You do not need anyone else in order to have an identity. He is your identity.

Galatians 4:7 Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.

When we feel rejected, we are agreeing with Satan's kingdom. 
An unloving spirit is right there and says there's a good reason that we are rejected. We must be evil and unclean and no good. We find justification for our rejection. We fear we are going to fail. We fear what others may think. We fear they won't love us. Going under rejection brings bitterness, jealousy, envy, fear, unloving spirits and ultimately disease.

Love and acceptance is the antidote to Rejection. 
The reversal of Rejection is accepting God's love and acceptance without exception. According to the word of God, you are designed and created on purpose for His pleasure because He foreknew you before the very foundation of the world.
Know who you are in Christ. Knowing who you are in Christ is of prime importance. This is the antidote to an identity crisis. The Father has accepted you, but have you accepted yourself? Rejection will not allow you to accept yourself. Self -Rejection, Self-Hatred, Guilt, Unloving spirits, images, impressions and emotions will tell you that you are not the fairest of them all. 
Jesus dealt with that in Isaiah 53. It said very clearly that He was not a man that you would desire Him after the flesh. He was not comely, and there was nothing in His physical appearance that would appeal to you.

Isaiah 53:2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.

You have get rid of Self-Rejection. If God be for you, who can be against you? You have no right to reject yourself if God has accepted you. He has accepted you through Jesus Christ.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

The Lord had to deal with Rejection. He showed it was possible to defeat it and not make it part of His life. In His strength, as a work of the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Father and the Holy Spirit will be there to meet you and remove Rejection from your life so that you can be free from it and have your peace.

The prerequisites for freedom from Rejection are:

1) Making peace with God once and for all.
2) Making peace with yourself once and for all.
3) Making peace with your brother once and for all (even if it is 70 times 7 in your relationship of forgiveness).

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Difficulties and problems in life can make a person paralyse, living in a constant torment of fear and pain. 
This prevents all the joy and peace that everyone should enjoy, and adds an endless stress which can destroy every hope, dream, and blessings in a person's life. 

The Inner Healing and Deliverance is important for the body of Christ. Through prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit we.... read more  

Source: http://www.divineinterventionnow.org/writings/view/40-Overcoming-The-Spirit-Of-Rejection 

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