



Inner Healing & Life Coaching -- Motivational Biblical Preaching

FREE eSession

            Welcome to the 60 minute eSession!    

I will be happy to have a 60 minutes talk with you free of charge and have the chance to get to know one another.

Please take some time to answer the following questions. Write a few words freely and only to the questions you feel comfortable to answer. 

The purspose of this questionnaire is to help me learn more about you and receive guidance from the Holy Spirit while in prayer. 

Please email the questionnaire and the answers to women2getherwithjesus@gmail.com 

I will contact you the sooner to set an apointment on the day and time that fits to your schedgule.

I am looking forward to hearing from you! 


1. How would you characterize your relationship with God the last year?

__Not so good    __On and off     __Medium Good    __Close to God

2. Do you feel : __confused,  __angry,  __sad,   __depressed,  __lost,  __alone,  __rejected,  __not knowing what is your future? 

Mark what fits you and/or add more. 

3. Do you have fear of: __the future,  __rejection,  __failure,  __beeing confronted,  __sickness,  __death ? 

Mark what fits you and/or add more

4. Have you been abused from a leadership figure, like parents, teacher, spouse, pastor? Describe 

4. Have you been diagnosted with mental problems? 

5. Do you have health issues? Describe

6. Have you ever been involved with the occult? If yes describe
(Yoga, Astrology, Horoskopes, other religions, Alternative Healing, Medioums, Palm reading, Tea cup reading, Tarot cards, Freemasonry, white or black Witchcraft etc.) 

7. Why are you seeking Inner Healing and/or Life Coaching?

*Name: ________________________________________

*Telephone Mobile: ____________________     Land line: ___________________                

*Skype addres: ___________________________  *Email: ______________________

*Marrital condition: _____________________________  Children: __________

*Free Hours : ___Any time      ___Evening hours     ___I work in swifts    

*Nationality: ______________________________   Age:  __________

Profession: ______________________________ 

*City you live: ___________________  Address : _______________________________

(Fields marked with asterisk are required)

Thank you!

May you always be Blessed in all things! 


Peggy Spyrou Simonis    

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